Collection: Muskmelon Seeds Varieties

Muskmelons are good for your eyes and boost overall immunity. They’re super hydrating, especially during summers. These help you satisfy your craving for something sweet while consuming a bomb of nutrients.

Days to maturity: 75-85 Days

Plant spacing: 48 inches apart

Light Requirement: Expose the plants to full sun during the day

Soil Requirement: Muskmelon needs well-drained, light, and nutrient-rich soil.

Water Requirement: Keeping the soil moist at all times is vital. Do not wet the vines or vegetative parts, especially during flowering and fruit-set.

Harvesting: Melons can be easily harvested once they reach maturity. For more sweetness and a better flavor, stop or reduce watering a week before harvesting. 

  1. Prepare a soil bed in your garden. Sow 1-2 seeds in 1-2 cm deep holes located 60 cm apart.  Cover it with a thin layer of soil and spray water gently, making sure the soil is moist.

  2.  As Muskmelon is a climber plant, it will need staking. Once it grows up to 1-1.5 feet, it will require support to climb around.

  3. During the application of water, do not wet the vines or vegetative parts, especially during flowering and fruit-set. For better sweetness and flavor, stop or reduce watering 3-6days before harvesting.  

  4. Sweetness up to 10-12% TSS

  5. After 75-80 days you can start picking the fruits.